Smith Micro Surveys 2,000 American Parents Regarding COVID Concerns


Smith Micro Surveys 2,000 American Parents Regarding COVID Concerns

September 23, 2020

COVID-19 has turned pretty much every aspect of our daily lives upside down. While we’ve largely become accustomed to a “New Normal” defined by telecommuting, distance learning, Netflix and video games, uncertainty and anxiety are also a residual impact of COVID-19-induced lockdowns.

To gain insight into how the pandemic has affected parents’ approach to digital parenting and the online activities of their children, Smith Micro surveyed 2,000 American Parents of school-age children. The results of the survey were definitely enlightening and will help in the continuous improvement of our Connected Lifestyle Platform, SafePath.

Clearly we touched upon a topic that is top of mind among parents around the globe as evidenced by the angles that various publications took with the survey data: